I’ve had so many questions on my sewing space since showing it on this year’s #IGQuiltFest and I thought I would share my story with you.
If you had told me five years ago that this would be my sewing space, I would have WANTED to believe you, but I'm not sure I would have.
Back in 2019, when I was learning to sew, I had a tiny little Singer machine I had ordered off Amazon. I mostly sewed on my kitchen table and would need to move everything whenever it was time to eat.
I would see creators on Instagram with their beautiful spaces and just be so inspired. “Someday, I want a space like that” would echo through my head.
As time went on, I slowly began acquiring small pieces of Arrow furniture and I upgraded my machine to a Janome Skyline S3.
I had the portable Gidget II table and I would set it up and stow it away whenever we had company.
My Gidget II Table, back in 2020
Then when I opened my fabric shop, I ordered a Dixie cutting table. I can honestly say that table probably saved my back and saved me from countless migraines when I was fulfillling shop orders. I’ve suffered from migraines my entire life (starting as young as two) and shoulder/neck tension is a huge trigger for me.
Working on my Dixie Cutting Table in 2020
But one day in 2022, my whole life changed when I was contacted by Arrow Sewing to be a brand ambassador. Me. I could barely believe it.
All of my dreams were coming true. Soon after, I received the Sydney Sewing Table that could accommodate my new Janome Continental M-7. I received the Kookaburra cutting table and a beautiful fabric shelf to hold the bolts of fabric from my shop.
With all this beautiful new furniture, I was able to convince my husband to finally let me use our formal living room as my new studio. I was no longer relegated to dark corners of the basement.
The furniture is gorgeous to look at, for sure, but more importantly, it has allowed me to create with less pain and to be able to work for longer periods of time. It has also helped me to stay organized and have the storage I need as I’ve grown my business.
To say it has been a blessing after a lifetime of struggle, is a huge understatement. I grew up in very abusive home. I’ve had to overcome all sorts of obstacles and had to endure things no child should have to. As an adult, I found refuge in my faith, lots of trauma therapy and, of course, quilting!
Sometimes, I look around my space and feel like I need to pinch myself. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve all this. But I know that’s the trauma talking. Each of us deserves a space where we can create happily and comfortably.
If you remember anything from my story, I hope you remember this:
No matter where you started or what’s happened in your past, you can change your future.
I’m forever grateful to Arrow for taking a chance on a self-taught, middle-aged quilter. They saw something in me that I couldn’t see for myself. But I’m so glad that I took a chance and put my work and myself out into the world even when it hard to do it.
With my past, helping children in crisis is very important to me. If you are interested in donating a quilt to a child in foster care, please see my previous blog post here.
Special thanks to Arrow Sewing who also has a focus on community giving.
Sew in Comfort, Sew Longer, Give More.